Saturday, February 27, 2010

My first visitors - Day 9

Thanks grandpa, Uncle Raymond, Auntie Shan, Ryan and Raphael for visiting me. Hope my crying wasn't too disturbing... kekeke.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 7 - Mat's finally home

An extremely chaotic but joyful moment for us coz, after 7 days Matt can finally come home with us!
Yes, finally, PTL!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 6 - call me 刀疤 Matt!

Poor thing is still in the pediatric ward for more Jaundice monitoring. We are worrying about him and missed him so much...  it is better for him to get the medical attention needed than staying home with parents after all, well, at least this is the logical reason to force ourselves in accepting the fact that he is still away from us.
Poor thing got a new "scar" on his right eyebrows today.  Like his father Matt has pointy fingers with sharp nails. I guess the ward removed his gloves to ease the transfer from the light box.  O well, here comes a temporary 刀疤 Matt!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 5 - Pediatric Ward - first diaper change

Missed Day 4 coz Matt was sent to pediatric ward for further monitoring while mommy needs to leave the hospital for rest, and so we were too hectic to take pictures. We missed Matt Matt so much already and we weren't sleeping well.
Anyway, Matt seems to have received good care at the ward (probably better than his new parents) and is growing stronger. Jaundice wasn't too much a problem now and his body temperature is rising back to normal. Keep praying that Matt Matt will grow strong and can come back with us tomorrow for some "hardcore" parenting lessons... hahhaah
And yes, my first diaper changing experience was good: no crying, no spilling, no 斟茶, no 派 pizza : )

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 3 - feeding lesson

Didn't take much photo today coz' daddy was learning how to feed Matt Matt. Apparently Matt is really nice on daddy as he seldom gets angry even when papa is not feeding him right. Daddy spent an hour to feed 30ml which won't be successful without mammy's help (omg)!! Matt did "burp" some out later on (I guess at least 5 ml). Sorry Matt Matt and mommy, 辛苦啦!

Day 2 - Sleeping Beauty

He slept alot, except feeding time of course. Poor carol hope you can recover from the sneezing and sleepless nights... Matt Matt and I love you!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 1 - Rejoicing In Awe!

Our precious gift from God - Mathias.